SNS: Unlocking the Value in the Internet of Things Ecosystem
SNS Subscriber Edition • Volume 18, Issue 29 • Week of August 3, 2015

Unlocking the Value
in the Internet of
Things Ecosystem

A Conversation with
Eric Openshaw and John Hagel III






      Credit: Oceanic Preservation Society


In This Issue



Unlocking the Value
in the IoT Ecosystem

- A Conversation

with Eric Openshaw

and John Hagel III


About Eric Openshaw

About John Hagel III

About Huw Morgan


Inside SNS


Upcoming SNS Events


} Where's Mark?



Last week, filmmaker and SNS member Louie Psihoyos went from the launch of our Seattle FiReFilms Screening Club at SIFF, where we screened his amazing new film Racing Extinction, to two days later lighting up the south face of the Empire State Building with images of endangered species. For more images and info, go to: and


You can see Louie in person, and watch Racing Extinction - our 2015 FiRe Featured Film - at the FiRe conference this October. Register now,


and join us to explore


42 new technologies and

The Power of Patterns.


October 6-9


Stein Eriksen Lodge


Park City, Utah








In Memory of Eric Leon Openshaw:


People often notice that SNS and FiRe are staffed by many members of our family; it's unusual in this day of hire-and-fire. The next thing they notice, I hope, is that this feeling of family extends to a much larger circle of friends, of smart, well-intentioned "doers," of "brothers-in-arms" in the struggle to use technology for the benefit of us all. Eric Openshaw was all of these, and was one of our closest family members at SNS. 


Over our years of working together, we all got to know Eric more personally; and it is easy to say, the better you knew him, the more you cared for him, and the more time you wanted to spend in his presence. From helping us launch FiReFilms to working on IP protection, Eric spent his personal time and energy to benefit the causes, issues, clients, and work that he cared about most. 


In addition to learning from Eric at our various shared meetings around the world, I have had the good fortune to have him as my guest for a weekend, during which we drove around in an open car and later sat outdoors by an open fire, talking about the most exciting new discoveries in science and technology, and what we could do with them. 


Eric was, in the most basic sense, true to himself: there was no divide between the professional and the personal. He lived his work. Having achieved the peak position in the world in his practice at Deloitte, with a title to match, he once turned to me and said, "I love consulting. I just love solving client problems." 


For many years, Eric and John Hagel III have joined us at FiRe, doing deep dives into the issues of technology driving the world economy. We will miss Eric then, and we miss him now, an irreplaceable spirit in the heart of all we are doing. Thank you, Eric, and thank you, Deloitte, for sharing Eric with us. What a wonderful person. - mra.



P.S. I am delighted to note that this year we will again have John Hagel with us at FiRe, joined by colleague Bill Ribaudo. 


Note: This week, as we complete our agenda for FiRe 2015, seemed a perfect time to publish Eric's and John's most recent FiRe conversation, perhaps more relevant now than ever, on the security and technology behind the growth of the (Industrial) Internet of Things. I have no doubt that all of our members will benefit, as Cloud, Security, and IoT merge into a single source of business and risk. - mra.




Unlocking the Value

in the Internet of Things Ecosystem


 A Conversation with


Eric Openshaw, Vice Chairman and US Technology, Media

and Telecommunications Leader, Deloitte; and


John Hagel III, Director and Co-Chair, Deloitte Center for the Edge


Hosted by Huw Morgan, VP Research Strategy, Info-Tech Research Group


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Laguna Beach, California