SNS: The ERaCha Era: Living on the Edge of Radical Change
SNS Subscriber Edition • Volume 18, Issue 30 • Week of August 10, 2015

The ERaCha Era:
Living on the Edge
of Radical Change




Recommended Reading:


In This Issue



The ERaCha Era: Living on the Edge of Radical Change


Robots Everywhere

Internet Assistants


Pattern Recognition

Instant Translation

Augmented Reality

Natural Navigation


Driverless Cars

Solar World

Ubiquitous Surveillance

Real Medicine


Quotes of the Week


Takeout Window

A Map of What the Chinese

Deny Doing

A New Theory of Network Effects:

Percolation Explosions


Upgrades and Numbers

No Grexit

China's Currency Manipulation

A New Memory Technology

Tunable LEDs Using Graphene




Inside SNS


Upcoming SNS Events


Where's Mark?



Can't Not Do: The Compelling Social Drive That Changes Our World, by SNS member Paul Shoemaker (Wiley, August 2015)


For anyone interested in how individuals can make a global - and local - difference, I highly recommend reading Paul's new book. Does anyone understand social philanthropy better than the past CEO of Social Venture Partners? I doubt it. - mra.




Please join us at FiRe 2015 to explore:


42 new technologies and

The Power of Patterns.


October 6-9, Stein Eriksen Lodge

                                  Park City, Utah






The ERaCha Era:

          Living on the Edge of Radical Change


You're driving toward the Grand Canyon at a pretty good clip. It can be hard to see that cliff edge right in front of you.


There are many people working on looking forward today, with a number of descriptions of what they see, generally within their own chosen fields of interest. On a larger scale, Moore's Law, and the shift to technology driving every sector of the economy, have united to create a different world, day by day, from that which came before.


This rate of change is exponential, and for that reason, almost impossible for us to grasp.


Vernor Vinge invented the concept of "the "Singularity" to describe the human / computer aspects of one moment in this change, and folks like Ray Kurzweil have suggested dates in the future when this will take place - but we've already passed the time when computers are smarter than humans. We need some other yardstick to understand, and see, what comes next.


For all these reasons, I thought it would be useful to first recognize this moment's importance, as we stand on a true precipice facing radical changes in almost everything around us - and then provide a brief attempt at describing what's coming next.