SNS: AI and the Cloud
SNS Subscriber Edition • Volume 23, Issue 14 • Week of April 16, 2018


AI and
the Cloud



SNS: AI and the Cloud


In This Issue
Week of 04/16/2018 Vol. 23 Issue 14


Book of the Week: Last Call SNS members have now taken advantage of this "flash sale" of the book behind the US tariffs. For that reason, and because of its timeliness, we've decided to extend this pricing for one more week. Here is the original announcement:

For SNS members wishing to know as much as (or often, much more than) global leaders know about China's national economic business model and why it must be opposed by free nations, we're offering a "flash sale" this week of the same text we've been using to brief global leaders on this subject.

This is the book that was featured in last year's 60 Minutes segment "The Great Brain Robbery," which became the most-watched investigative episode in the show's history.

This work has been described by the US Department of Justice as "the best work done on the Chinese national business model." Now that Congress and the White House are finally responding effectively to the China threat, we thought all of our members should have timely access to this same information. China having run a trade-war attack against virtually all of its trading partners since 2003, it seemed the right moment to blunt its propaganda claims that its victims were starting a trade war, by making a few first and feeble responses to this onslaught.

For these reasons and others, we're pleased to announce a one-week price reduction for SNS members only, of the "Theft Nation" Cabinet-level briefing book, from $4,995 to $195. We hope you all get a chance to read it, and then share what you learn with others.

To claim your copy of "Theft Nation" now, go to:



AI and the Cloud

Where is the money in technology today? In the cloud.

What is the hottest topic and investment target in technology today? Artificial intelligence.

What if they weren't the perfect fit everyone assumes?