SNS: Behind 5G
SNS Subscriber Edition • Volume 23, Issue 36 • Week of November 26, 2018


Behind 5G



SNS: Behind 5G


In This Issue
Week of 11/26/2018 Vol. 23 Issue 36


October 8-11, 2019
The Lodge at Torrey Pines
La Jolla, CA

Members' Early Bird Offer
Expires Jan. 1st, 2019

As an SNS member, you understand the power of identifying patterns. Here's a new pattern you'll want to pay attention to: From now through January 1st, we're giving all SNS subscribers the chance to register for Future in Review 2019 for just $3900.

That's $2000 off the retail price.

We look forward to returning to our FiRe roots on the beautiful California coast, October 8-11, 2019, at The Lodge at Torrey Pines in La Jolla.

--- And we've already signed on some amazing speakers, with more coming in weekly, including:

  • Dmitri Alperovitch, co-founder and CTO, CrowdStrike
  • George Dyson, technology historian & nonfiction author
  • Kim Stanley Robinson, Hugo-winning author of science fiction
  • Kimberly Dozier, global affairs analyst, CNN, and Daily Beast contributor
  • Ed Butler, senior broadcast journalist, BBC
  • George Church, geneticist & professor, MIT & Harvard (invited)

At the turn of the year, that price will jump to $4500, so if you plan to join us in La Jolla, this is the best price you'll get.

Register Now 


Behind 5G

As we approach year's end, we're going to start seeing the rollout of the first 5G wireless systems, starting with Verizon in four markets in the US and moving through multiple carriers worldwide over the next few years. The first cities to have 5G will be Houston, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, and Sacramento.

However, the most interesting aspects of 5G are neither its next-gen tech appeal nor the actual speeds involved. Instead, the most dramatic changes and highest stakes in this new rollout will be in contests, challenges, and achievements behind the scenes, generally opaque to most users and media reporters.

In fact, countries and companies are in a struggle for dominance - and even survival - based on the outcomes of this new competition, in ways that were not true for any earlier wireless standards. While most consumers think of 5G as a chance to get better reception for football or video games, national leaders and corporate CEOs see their futures made or threatened by who will win in the next couple of years.

To get a quick feel of what we're talking about, let's lay the foundation and then look at the problems behind the scenes.