SNS: FiRe 2019 in Review, Part I
SNS Subscriber Edition • Volume 24, Issue 33 • Week of November 4, 2019

FiRe 2019
in Review,
Part I



SNS: FiRe 2019 in Review, Part I


In This Issue
Week of 11/04/2019    Vol. 24 Issue 33



FiRe 2019 in Review, Part I:
"Anticipating the Unexpected"

About this year's "Future in Review in Review" double issue:

Those SNS members who are repeat FiRe attendees may have noticed that this year you weren't surrounded by the tap-tap-tap of four-plus full-time bloggers. We decided to try a different model for 2019: while encouraging our FiReFellows to spend more time with FiReStarter companies and other attendees, we would focus on capturing just a few bullet points for as many sessions as could be covered, carried off by just two valiant volunteers: Dakota Carter in the lead, with Evan Anderson assisting and following up after the event.

In true FiRe style, it turns out that a request for "a few bullet points" is subject to interpretation - and ambition. As you'll see in the first of this two-part review, reports range from brief précis to full-length articles to mini-transcriptions to a dozen or so bullet points.

Given these disparate styles, in the end we thought that rather than squeeze them into a one-size-fits-all model, it would make more sense to let them run (with slight edits and embellishments) in their individual styles. That also seemed so ... FiRe.

We hope you enjoy the FiRe team's efforts, founded on passion, appreciation, curiosity, and some revisits to get the facts straight.

Thanks yet again to photographer-sorcerer Kris Krüg, the talent behind all of the images here (unless otherwise noted), as well as all those in the FiRe galleries since 2015.

Please refer any comments or corrections to me at

We hope you enjoy entering or re-entering the deep world of FiRe, that you learn something you hadn't previously known you were curious about, and that we see you in person at FiRe 2020, Oct. 6-9, in La Jolla. - Sally Anderson, Editor-in-Chief, SNS, FiRe, and FiReFilms