SNS: The Future of AI-Human Interaction in Medicine
SNS Subscriber Edition • Volume 25, Issue 9 • Week of March 9, 2020


The Future
of AI-Human
in Medicine



SNS: The Future of AI-Human Interaction in Medicine

A Discussion with Caitlin Cameron,
Shalev Lifshitz, and John Mattison

Moderated by John Wells

In This Issue
Week of 3/9/2020 Vol. 25 Issue 9


Coming April 23!

FiReSide NYC

With Special Guest

The Honorable John C. Demers

Assistant Attorney General
for National Security,
United States Department of Justice


"Spy vs. You:
What Every CEO Needs to Know"

Interviewed by:

Evan Anderson, CEO, INVNT/IP
(Subject of 60 Minutes' "The Great Brain Robbery")

Reception, Talks & Dinner, starting at 5:30pm

April 23, 2020

Lotte New York Palace Hotel
Madison Avenue
New York, New York


Publisher's Note: It will not be immediately obvious to members who were not at FiRe, but this week's transcript of a critically important subject - AI, ethics, and healthcare - was joined not only by two experienced veterans, but also by a special guest we were able to recruit from Canada. Caitlin Cameron is the head of our regional biotechnology trade association and CEO of one of our most successful new medical device startups. John Mattison is a bit of a living legend, having had a personal role in the creation of the Valley, and serving now as CHIO of Kaiser Permanente. Veterans, both. And Shalev Lifshitz, in addition to the fact that he is working in a university and hospitals in Waterloo, Ontario, happens to be one of the smartest - and most motivated - high-school students I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.

We flew Shalev down to FiRe this year, believing he would make a real contribution to this conversation. What transpired instead, which we should have guessed, is that he lit the room on fire with his optimism, intelligence, and imagination. These are the moments that make FiRe great.

Our members don't have to care about how old Shalev was during this event. Just enjoy the quality of the conversation these three amazing entrepreneurs had together on this important subject. Wow. - mra


The Future of Human-AI Interaction in Medicine

Caitlin Cameron, Chair & CEO, OtoNexus Medical Technologies Inc.
Shalev Lifshitz, AI Researcher & Entrepreneur, University of Waterloo,
SickKids Hospital, and St. Joseph's Health Centre
John Mattison, Assistant Medical Director & Chief Health Information Officer, Kaiser Permanente

Moderated by John Wells, Producer and Host, "Cool Science Radio," KPCW (NPR)

 FiRe 2019 Conference

Thursday, October 10, 2019 - The Lodge at Torrey Pines- - La Jolla, California

Photos  2019 Kris Krug

John Wells: Good morning, everybody. This past July, the world celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing, and the goals of the humans and the goals of the machines were perfectly aligned: land two men safely on the moon and return three men, and some of their machines, safely back to Earth.

The actual landing itself is a perfect example, an illustration of collaboration between humans - a human - and a machine. Neil absolutely needed the LM to make his objective, and the LM, the lunar landing module, needed Neil to make that successful.

Future in Review 2019 - La Jolla, California - #FIRE2019_48905608231_o

L-R: John Wells, Shalev Lifshitz, Caitlin Cameron, and John Mattison

If you look back before 1969, there were a number of other examples of collaborations between humans and machines. As sort of a historical nod, the Apollo 11 crew carried pieces of wood and a piece of cloth from the [Wright Brothers'] original flight that was one generation earlier. They knew the shoulders they stood on to be able to accomplish their objective.

Going forward from 1969, technology has moved at a dizzying pace - an unprecedented pace - and the collaboration has continued. Of all the technologies, there are a bunch of technologies that are, if you collectively group them together, you can call them artificial intelligence.