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The president and the Bug

Well, that year is over.

One of the benefits of seeing the world through patterns is it provides an inferential means of reducing multiple events or causes into their simplest cases. Another is this view amplifies the many small things that often are missed by others, rallied into one large thing united by shared patterns. A third and final benefit is that patterns are different from legal or even scientific evidence: their discovery is not intended to prove, but to provide the hypotheses that can lead to proof.

So, here are the two things coming out of 2020 that have most strongly affected the world of technology and the economy - in short, the world at large:

President Trump, and the Wuhan virus.

(SNS members now know that we have decided to use this virus name in direct response to the CCP global propaganda campaign to convince the world that the virus started in Italy. This is a blatant lie, and part of the inspiration behind this week's focus.)

Since both subjects have been discussed ad infinitum, what perspectives can we bring that are new?