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The biden years:
A retrospective review of the Biden presidency: 2021 -

By Mark Anderson

Like the two presidents before him, perhaps the most amazing and unexpected fact about the Biden presidency is that he physically survived it.

In this week's discussion, we will jump ahead and look backward at the challenges and achievements that characterized the Joe Biden presidency. Our hope is that this will be of some assistance to members who are waiting to see what will come of this abrupt change of president and path over the next few years.

Someone asked me about Biden's delivery of the inaugural speech, and I answered: "A great speech, given by my grandfather." They agreed.

But one could not forget, behind Biden's basic decency, desire to unite, and willingness to compromise, why he claims to have run: Trump's ambivalent response to Charlottesville. Biden saw then what most of America did not see until the election, or the assault on the Capitol building. In other words, it turned out that he had steel in him.