SNS: ETHICAL AI: The Path to New Science and Major Discoveries


  The Path to New Science and Major Discoveries

By Mark Anderson


"Ethical AI" (EAI) seems to be in the news daily, providing controversial, challenging, and often troubling stories about systems that, for one reason or another, fail the test.

What Is "Ethical AI"?

While everyone may have their own definition of ethics or ethical, EAI is a bit more focused. Here is a definition from

Ethical AI is when AI systems are designed and deployed in ways that consider the harms associated with AI systems and [have] mitigated them. These harms include bias and discrimination, unsafe or unreliable outcomes, unexplainable outcomes and invasions of privacy.

What I find most technically interesting about this concept is that it is not a straight implementation of human morals or ethics, although they do play a role. From a compute standpoint, we might say that EAI is AI that passes certain objective tests and, in passing these, also allows for the implementation of human-rights values.