SNS: DAILY BREAD: Food Security in a Struggling World

DAILY BREAD: Food Security in a Struggling World

By Evan Anderson


"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."

- Hippocrates

Since 2020, the global coronavirus pandemic has led to all sorts of disruptive supply-chain and production issues. In today's global economy, our inability to continue producing and delivering goods the way we had before is, at this point, such a given that the gravity of the situation needs no further analysis. Indeed, countless groups are now working on solutions.

Our former systems - in healthcare, in shipping and transport, in production - are either breaking or broken.

Nowhere is this more apparent than in the global agricultural economy. Our ability to move food from where it is produced to where it needs to go has been greatly hampered over the past two-and-a-half years. So, too, is our ability to produce food beginning to come into question. The pandemic has been met by the tides of war and the climate crisis to create a great eddy in farming and feeding.

To better understand what's happening in our agricultural economy, and what is to be done, we must first examine where food comes from and why.