SNS: ENTERING THE ERA OF HYPERCHANGE Part I: Microsoft, Google, and NVIDIA Make the AI Turn


Part I: Microsoft, Google, and NVIDIA Make the AI Turn

By Mark Anderson

FiRe is back! Our Future in Review conference will return, live, at the Terranea Resort in Palos Verdes, CA, Nov. 6-9. Save the date now, and look for a more detailed invitation to SNS members this week. 

Also for members: Pattern Computer Inc., founded at FiRe 2015, will be holding its first Investor Meeting of the year on the evening of Wednesday, Feb. 8, at the Woodmark Hotel in Kirkland, WA. Interested investors and potential investors should contact Denyse Hudson:  


The Era of Hyperchange

It's no secret that the US is more divided politically than ever, thanks at least in part to the internet. Inherently, its use leads to division, which social networks have been accentuating (Fox News-fashion) in order to make money. And this is the case in all free nations, worldwide.

At the same time, governments are being replaced through - and outside of -elections, creating an accurate sense of political destabilization, something enemies always wish upon one another and today have stunningly effective new net-based tools for this purpose.

Wherever you turn, change is not just happening, but it also appears to be happening at record pace: in markets, geopolitics, technology innovation and distribution, social trends. Change in these arenas that might have taken 30 years in earlier times now seem to occur in just a few years, and sometimes mere months.

To this end, this week we are publishing Part I of a series of Global Reports on the nature and unintended consequences of this megatrend. If I did not personally believe that this Era of Hyperchange were something unique and powerful, as well as threatening in many ways, I wouldn't bother our members with the subject. But since I do consider it to be a very dangerous (and exciting) period, I thought we should do our job and put it front-and-center.