SNS: ENTERING THE ERA OF HYPERCHANGE: PART II: Intentional Speed, Unintended Consequences

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Part II: Intentional Speed, Unintended Consequences

By Mark Anderson

Why Read: The Era of Hyperchange is a tough but much-needed look at the unintended consequences of technology-driven changes which, had we been consulted, might never have been unleashed. By examining a few of these changes, perhaps we will drop the laissez-faire attitude so obvious in the release of ChatGPT and learn - as technologists, humanists, and leaders - to follow the old carpentry rule: Measure twice, cut once.   


In Part I of this discussion, we focused on ChatGPT's known ethical and performance fails, as an example of technology being shipped faster than its creators (or users) can understand the consequences. While this territory has now been well-covered in the trade press, there is a growing, gnawing concern that the vendors were fully aware of the dangers to users and to society at large and just didn't give a damn, all in the rush for money.


For those who remain interested in tracking this story of self-inflicted risk and damages, I would recommend the following: