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Watch FiRe's Most-Requested Sessions

By Berit Anderson


Why Read: In case you missed this year's Future in Review conference (or want to rewatch), in this issue we're including full videos of a few of our most-requested sessions.  


"What other tech conference do you go to where everyone's hugging each other?" Evan Anderson mused in a conversation at FiRe last week.

"None. It just doesn't happen."

It's true that the warmth of the FiRe community is second to none. Newcomers and veterans alike are welcoming of all involved.

But hugs don't sell conference tickets. And the idea of hugging strangers isn't particularly appealing to most people most of the time (Future in Reviewers included).

The hugging, if we're getting right down to it, is symptomatic of something deeper and more meaningful.

So, what is it about Future in Review that inspires such exuberance?