SNS Consultations and Speeches
Mark Anderson is a frequent speaker at corporate meetings around the world, and provides top-level strategic reviews for management teams. Clients include the world’s top software, computer, and telecoms companies: Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Dell, Symantec, Nokia, T-Mobile, and others.
Member Company Reviews:
Provided by Mark Anderson, available to Members. Past review and consult subjects include Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, Adobe, and others.
SNS Members have early notification, priority registration, and often discounts, for all SNS speeches and events. Members may also engage Mark Anderson for speeches at company events by mutual arrangement.
Speeches tend to focus on the leading edge of what Mark is publishing on strategic trends in technology and economics. Often, these subjects are just entering the news, or are about to; this is part of what makes the work rewarding and interesting. As new subjects, they are also mirrored in comments he is making on television and in radio interviews, which leaves the audience with a sense of shared exploration as these new events and opportunities show up in the broader media landscape.
Subjects are by mutual arrangement.
Major Global Corporate Events:
SNS partners with global member organizations such as Accenture to produce top-level private events on critical subjects for the firm and its clients. The Accenture / SNS meeting on Economic Cyberwar, held for Accenture’s Global CIO and COO groups in London, is an example of such events.
To arrange for a speech by Mark Anderson on subjects in technology and economics, or to schedule a strategic review of your company, email