SNS: Currency Wars II: The Isolated Dollar


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Technology and the Economy


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SNS Subscriber Edition Volume 18, Issue 11 Week of March 16, 2014






Currency Wars II: The Isolated Dollar




In This Issue




Currency Wars II: The Isolated Dollar


The Game

The Media

Currency Wars

Honesty vs. Wealth

Additional Dollar Drivers

Is a Strong Dollar Good or Bad?

The Domestic Economics
and Equity Markets

What Can Go Wrong



Quotes of the Week


Takeout Window

The US Dollar: Last Man Standing, or the Only Honest Player?


Upgrades and Numbers

The Russians Out the NSA

Turning Insects into Cyborg Drones




Inside SNS


Upcoming SNS Events


Where's Mark?


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Recommended Reading:


Neutrino Hunters: The Thrilling Chase for a Ghostly Particle to Unlock the Secrets of the Universe, by Ray Jayawardhana (Scientific American / Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2013)


For the physicists (and scientists, and engineers, and nerds - ) in our group, this is a great read on the most mysterious particles in the zoo. Forget the Higgs, which was a field more than a particle; these are the real ghosts in the machine. - mra





Currency Wars II: The Isolated Dollar


The Game


You're playing poker. It's quite late in the evening, the room is full of smoke, and your 19 fellow players are starting to fade. It's about time: almost all of the money is in their piles, not yours.


It wasn't supposed to end this way. Although everyone started out the night with different amounts of cash, it's a gentleman's game - or, at least, that's what you thought earlier in the evening - and anything could happen. Then, it does.


On a trip to the restroom, you find a chip on the floor and realize it has fallen from a shelf in the hall. A box on that shelf is stuffed with more chips, just sitting there: hundreds of chips in 10, 100, even 1,000-dollar denominations. You close the box, leave the first chip on the floor, and go back to the table.


Over the next few hours, you notice your friends taking restroom trips more and more often. Even though they've had losing hands, their funds have been increasing; they have to be taking chips from the hall. Everyone, it seems, is doing it. OK, you took a few, too, but then it just seemed too - well, too sleazy. So you stopped.


Now the night's over, and for whatever reasons, their piles are larger than ever - much larger than yours.


Welcome to the modern G20 game called  "international trade."