SNS: Special Letter: Graphene to Extend the Range of Electric Vehicles
SNS Subscriber Edition • Volume 21, Issue 34 • Week of September 19, 2016


Special Letter

Enabling Tomorrow's Transport

by Soroush Nazarpour





SNS: Special Letter:

Graphene: enabling tomorrow's transport


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    by Soroush Nazarpour


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In This Issue
Week of 9/19/2016    Vol. 21 Issue 34


Courtesy Kris Krug (L) and David Morris


Publisher's Note: As those following the amazing acceleration in the adoption curve of driverless cars are aware, the world is not waiting for sluggards to catch up. Rather, we are entering a new era in which we go beyond simple disruption of business models and begin to live with, and benefit from, the next generation of technology.

In the air, on land, and in the oceans (and, apparently, in the canals of Venice), we are about to cross a Rubicon into a time when we can integrate solar power, zero emissions, and increasingly safe automated transport.

One major issue arises during this discovery process. Yes, we can make driverless cars; Yes, we can make driverless boats; and Yes, we can make drones. But can we solve the real problem: using no carbon to make these work?

In this week's discussion, a global leader in graphene production shows us the simple equation that will drive all of these primary goals: we must "lightweight" everything, from cars to bikes and buses to trucks, if we are to achieve the goals that will allow us to avoid destroying the planet through global warming.

Can we create a new generation of lightweighted vehicles, so much lighter and stronger that we can power them with the sun, make money, do the necessary tasks of transport, and continue to maintain our lifestyles? The answer is Yes, and the ticket is Graphene. SNS members will not be surprised by this, but I encourage all of you to read about the details of how this can be made to happen. It won't happen without your participation, but you will make money, and be part of a future path that is both possible and positive. - mra.