SNS: IF TRUMP WINS: A Deep Dive into the Decadal Financial and Geopolitical Consequences of a Trump Regime

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 A Deep Dive into the Decadal Financial and Geopolitical Consequences of a Trump Regime

By Mark Anderson

Why Read: It is hard to avoid articles on what Donald Trump would bring with his potential election in November; but it's even harder to find useful predictions about the deeper, wider, and longer effects of such an event. To find some of them, read on. - mra



What Trump Brings

We should begin by saying that we're not trying to predict the outcome of the US presidential election. In fact, for reasons that remain a bit mysterious to me, I have the dubious record of being 100% wrong, as far back as I can recall, in my presidential election predictions. And this despite, in virtually all other predictive categories, my accuracy "number" has averaged 95.3%, since 2005.

Clearly, there is a Grand Canyon-sized gulf in my understanding of the patterns involved in a federal election.

But for the purposes of this week's issue, it doesn't matter. Rather, when I/we use the patterns of an individual leader's personality or actions in order to predict outcomes, we revert to the high-90s mean. And that is the focus of this week's discussion.

I will also add that the recent resignation by President Biden from the 2024 campaign, apparently in favor of VP Harris, will have no effect on Trump plans if he is elected. Onward -