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THE UNIVERSE IN A PAGE: By Mark Anderson For Scott and Meaghan, Since the beginning of time, humans have tried to achieve two apparently conflicting goals: identify the details of the universe and how it works, and then reduce these to a simple core idea. What if there were only two characteristics behind a single process that drives the universe? And what if there were only two aspects of what is being driven? Better yet, what if there were only a single, short mathematical term that described it all? In this week's issue, we'll offer a one-page document that represents two important things: 1. Solutions to the above; and 2. The result of applying pattern recognition to mathematics and science vs. the practice of silo-focused specialized training down the ages, still continuing today. In the silo approach, we use the old-school version of the scientific method and find history littered with the constraints of our hypotheses; rarely is there a step forward that is not incremental, given what we previously built upon. In the new, pattern-based approach, we simply look for patterns in the mathematics, scientific formulae, and/or experiments; no hypotheses are needed or even allowed. In this way, we can make major new pattern discoveries that are beyond our current knowledge or expectations. The rest of today's discussion then comes in two parts: we will first share the one-pager, with footnotes, and then go into a deeper explanation behind the symmetry, format, terms, and simplicity found in the former. Here, then, is The Universe in a Page: Footnotes 1a. Flow and Interaction are here proposed as the prime motive actors in the physical world. See book: "The Universal Powers of Flow and Interaction: Applying the Two Fundamental Actions Behind Every Element of the Universe," published by FiReBooks; author, Mark Anderson. 1b. See Interaction Theory, a subset of Resonance Theory; published by SNS in Resonance Theory Part II. 2. Flow and Interaction are here proposed as the "missing" foundational theory explaining the power of chaos theory and complexity mathematics. Conversations with Santa Fe Institute and related personnel include: Melanie Mitchell, John Seely Brown, John Hagel, Murray Cantor, others. The Lorenz attractor formulae, listed above, show flows on the left and interactions on the right; conversations with Murray Cantor. 3. "The Universal Powers of Flow and Interaction"; see 1a. 4. It is here proposed that all of physics be viewed through the complementary aspects of Energy and Time, as shown in the rest of this page. 5. It is here proposed that all flows are flows of energy in one form or another. 6. A new definition of time is here proposed: the intervals we impose in measuring flows of energy. 7. We show equations for mass / energy and kinetic energy (integral), which, when multiplied by Time, result in the basic equation for Action. 8. We here propose that the Principle of Least (effective) Action, in many forms and derivations (including the product of E *T), is the central mathematical term in all of physics. In general, we will use the dimensionality of MVR. 9. Here we share the like parallelism of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, also using the Action product of (∆E and ∆T). 10. Here we display the same parallelism for the Second Law of thermodynamics, with Free Energy on the left and Time's Arrow (entropy) on the right. It is worth noting that time does not exist for a completely entropic system. 11. Here we recast the prior version of the Lorenz attractor (in Flow and Interaction format) in the parallelism of E on the left and T on the right, completing the earlier union of Flow and Interaction of Energy and Time, completing the relations between E&T and F&I. June 25, 2022, Friday Harbor, Washington Copyright (c) 2022 Mark Anderson
I. Format The first level of organization of this page is visual and carries the following sub-formats: 1. Top to bottom: Flow and Interaction are the umbrella actors above all of the physical world, followed by the proper mathematics; and Energy and Time are the things that are governed. The central unshaded column is for mathematical operators. 2. Left to right: This takes the form of equations, with Energy on the left and Time on the right. This is intended to align all of physics and its mathematics into just these two categories. 3. Circular: The top and bottom Lorenz equations bring the whole back into a circle, starting with Flow and Interaction versions and ending and reconnecting via Energy and Time versions of the same equations. These are repeated here for ease of cross-referencing, and so that the one-pager and its footnotes can easily be printed as contiguous parts of a single document for later use. ____ 1a. Flow and Interaction are here proposed as the prime motive actors in the physical world. See book: "The Universal Powers of Flow and Interaction: Applying the Two Fundamental Actions Behind Every Element of the Universe," published by FiReBooks; author, Mark Anderson. This book is the first on Flow and Interaction. It both describes the concept and is a compilation from the FiRe 2017 conference, in which F&I is applied by global leaders in eight different disciplines, ranging from economics to biology to mathematics. The book can be purchased here. 1b. See Interaction Theory, a subset of Resonance Theory; published by SNS in Resonance Theory Part II. Interaction theory proposes that: - All scientific experimental data is obtained through interactions; - Therefore, instead of focusing on describing the particles in the particle zoo, we should be focused on the nature of their interactions; and finally: - Frames are not all the same, despite Einstein's proposal to the contrary, and collisions (interactions) along the axis of travel (taken here to be z) must be understood in that geometry; i.e., all of our information to date appears to have been derived from travel along the z axis, not from x and/or y (a suggestion supported by Oliver Morton, then editor of Science journal). With electromagnetic radiation, for example, we have almost all of the energy in those two fields, in the x and y dimensions, with nothing but Compton mass in the z direction. - In fact, it is likely that we will see, in line with the one-pager format, that E is generally in the x,y dimension set, and T is along the z axis. The full series of papers on Resonance Theory can be found here: 2. Flow and Interaction are here proposed as the "missing" foundational theory explaining the power of chaos theory and complexity mathematics. Conversations with Santa Fe Institute and related personnel include: Melanie Mitchell, John Seely Brown, John Hagel, Murray Cantor, others. The Lorenz attractor formulae, listed above, show flows on the left and interactions on the right; conversations with Murray Cantor. You can see videos on Flow and Interaction here: FiRe 2017: Evolving the Two Elemental Actions: Flow and Interaction - Mark Anderson and Paul Sallomi Flow and Interaction: Talks at Google - Mark Anderson with Benjamin Smarr Flow and Interaction - Mark Anderson with Denyse Davis 3. "The Universal Powers of Flow and Interaction"; see 1a. The Flow and Interaction proposal, after about 30 years of thought and reflection on the fundamental processes behind complexity mathematics, was completed at the end of a presentation by Dr. Murray Cantor on the Lorenz attractor equations, at the first meeting of the "Undiagnosed" consortium, hosted by Dr. Larry Smarr at Calit2 and UCSD. 4. It is here proposed that all of physics be viewed through the complementary aspects of Energy and Time, as shown in the rest of this page. This is a radical reduction, and it provides amazing new clarity into physical laws and mathematics. 5. It is here proposed that all flows are flows of energy in one form or another. This is also a radical reduction, with similarly beneficial results. 6. A new definition of time is here proposed: the intervals we impose in measuring flows of energy. If true, this will perhaps be the first real definition of time. 7. We show equations for mass / energy and kinetic energy (integral), which, when multiplied by Time, result in the basic equation for Action. Here we are introducing the interconnected algebras of Special Relativity, Mechanics, Energy in general, and Time. 8. We here propose that the Principle of Least (effective) Action, in many forms and derivations (including the product of E * T), is the central mathematical term in all of physics. I have discussed this idea with many physicists, including Dr. John Cramer (professor emeritus in nuclear physics, University of Washington), none of whom disagreed - perhaps the best response that such a strong statement might receive upon launch. In general, we will use the dimensionality of MVR, or Mass times Velocity times the incremental path integral of distance over a path. (Action can also be expressed as E [Mass times Velocity squared] times T, or Energy over the incremental path integral of Time. I discovered the centrality of the Action term as a pattern across many of the mathematical terms in physics. This week, in writing this paper, I have had the opportunity to do a deeper dive into the universal utility and application of this central physical concept and mathematical term. The first (Least) Action concept came from Euclid's description of light reflecting off a mirror, but it is likely that the first mathematical description came from Pierre Louis Maupertuis, who noted that "Nature is thrifty in all its actions," later adding: The laws of movement and of rest deduced from this principle being precisely the same as those observed in nature, we can admire the application of it to all phenomena. The movement of animals, the vegetative growth of plants ... are only its consequences; and the spectacle of the universe becomes so much the grander, so much more beautiful, the worthier of its Author, when one knows that a small number of laws, most wisely established, suffice for all movements." - Wikipedia.org, "stationary-action principle" Here are but a few of the laws, mathematics, and physical principles that can be derived directly from Action: a. Classical mechanics b. Classical fields (electromagnetic, gravitational) c. Quantum mechanics d. Quantum field theory e. Lagrangians, and the Euler-Lagrange equations f. Hertz's principle of least curvature g. Hamilton's principle and characteristic functions h. Maxwell's equations i. Feynman's (QED) path integral formulations j. The quantum interference calculations of probability waves in QM k. The conservation laws, via Noether's theorem l. Thermodynamics m. Fluid mechanics n. Special and general relativity o. String theory (see Resonance theory) And more. It would seem now obvious that, our having found MVR via pattern recognition, reflection confirms its central position in physics. Action is the fundamental mathematics and physical concept in physics. 9. Here we share the like parallelism of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, also using the Action product of (∆E and ∆T). By noting the segregation of Time and Space variables, we intend to begin addressing the breaking down of "spacetime" into a deeper geometrical plan, as noted regarding Interaction Theory above. More details would need a new one-pager on the subject. 10. Here we display the same parallelism for the Second Law of thermodynamics, with Free Energy on the left and Time's Arrow (entropy) on the right. Although Time is not algebraically present, the flow of energy represented by changes in heat / enthalpy and in entropy are changes over Time. Time is therefore inherent in both terms, providing perhaps the only formula in physics that actually defines, rather than uses, Time. It is worth noting that time does not exist for a completely entropic system, an observation made over an open outdoor fire with friends, which ultimately led to this one-page document. The idea was first put into print in a long poem entitled "Islands in the Sun," written in 1970. 11. Here we recast the prior version of the Lorenz attractor (in Flow and Interaction format) in the parallelism of E on the left and T on the right, completing the earlier union of Flow and Interaction of Energy and Time, completing the relations between E&T and F&I. While this one-page document does not introduce any new mathematics, it does the greater service, I hope, of providing a higher-level understanding of the shared basic concepts that drive the physical world. These new discoveries, these new interpretations of laws and mathematics, came not from the usual vertical, specialized (siloed) study of physics, but by applying pattern recognition to laws and mathematics, a completely different approach to science. This is not unlike the reversal of the scientific method promised by explainable AI (XAI) in a recent paper published by the author with 34 co-authors from Pattern Computer Inc. (where he is co-founder, chair, and CEO), selected US national laboratories, Cambridge, Yale, and other institutions. That paper can be found here. The promise in this approach of finding new physical laws and/or interpretations as major (pattern) discoveries, versus the incremental discoveries so common today, provides great hope and optimism that perhaps we now can begin a new Renaissance of sorts in discovery. I hope that the views introduced in this one-page document are of use in starting a long series of heated discussions, followed by "Eureka!" moments. That certainly has been my experience in getting this far.
Your comments are always welcome. Sincerely, Mark Anderson
P.S. Get ready for Evan Anderson's upcoming book, "Disengagement." ____ Email sent to SNS may be reprinted unless you indicate that it is not to be.
To arrange for a speech or consultation by Mark Anderson on subjects in technology and economics, or to schedule a strategic review of your company, email mark@stratnews.com. For inquiries about Partnership or Sponsorship Opportunities and/or SNS Events, please contact Berit Anderson, SNS Programs Director, at berit@stratnews.com.
Olga Kudinenko | Founder and Chair, Tabletochki Member Type: Creator Olga Kudinenko is a founder and chair of Tabletochki, Ukraine's largest charity focused on children with cancer. Olga founded Tabletochki when she was 23, and since then has significantly changed the NGO sector in Ukraine and the field of pediatric oncology in Ukraine, improving the quality of treatment for over 60,000 children with cancer and other catastrophic diseases. Together with St Jude Children's Research Hospital, Tabletochki has coordinated the evacuation of over 900 kids with their families to clinics in the US, Canada, and Europe. Thousands of children remain behind. Right now, Olga is working on a long-term project to rebuild a healthcare system devastated by the invasion. (As of last month, the WHO had confirmed more than 100 attacks on healthcare facilities and hospitals.) Tabletochki is looking ahead to how to restore the most affected infrastructure and reinstitute a thriving healthcare system for Ukraine's families. Olga is a graduate of the Fortune-US Dept. of State Global Women's Mentoring Partnership, received the C4F-Davos Relations of the Future award, represented Ukraine at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos in 2019, and has been named to Forbes' 30 Under 30 Ukraine, NV magazine's 100 Most Influential People in Ukraine, and Focus magazine's 100 Most Powerful Women in Ukraine. She is also the mom of a 6-year-old daughter. SNS Connection: Olga was the guest speaker at our inaugural "first Thursday" FiRe Happy Hour earlier this month. Stay tuned to the Future in Review YouTube channel for the video of that conversation, coming this week.
Mark, [A] Duke scholar posited this in 1996. See constructal.org. It sounds related to your discussion of flows, so might be worth a look if you are not already aware of it. Rollie Cole [Author, Wholesale Economic Development Rollie, Thank you. There are many, many books and theories about flow(s) per se, some of them quite popular. As Curtis Wong pointed out when we first presented Flow and Interaction, Leonardo himself, in the Codex Leicester (which Curtis curates for Bill Gates), expressed the belief that flows, seen from a bridge over water, were fundamental. And, as Curtis also pointed out, we completed the theory by adding the other, complementary half: Interactions. Without the latter, one has only half the picture, at best. Mark Anderson
Subj.: Pattern Computer for 'Good' AI Mark, Launch of the ITU GeoAI Challenge Launch of the ITU GeoAI ChallengeITU is launching the GeoAI Challenge! Students and professionals from around the globe are invited to solve real...
[NASA Emeritus Earth Scientist
Mark and Evan, A sensible analysis. Very well stated. "It's odd that this is a lesson that we need to learn again and again: Dictatorial regimes tend to decompose the longer they stay in power, because appealing to the source of power becomes a higher priority to officials in all echelons of the state than simply doing a good job. Putin's state fed his delusions and created an inefficient military, hobbled by corruption and inefficiency." Ukraine Has Exposed Russia as a Not-So-Great Power Kyiv's success against Moscow forces us to reexamine our assumptions about what it means to be powerful. Read in The Atlantic.
[Founder, Santa Barbara Angel Alliance,
Subj.: Re: THE ATLANTIC: Ukraine Has Exposed Russia as a Not-So-Great Power Mark, Evan, and John, I agree. Alas, our peril lies in the fact that Putin has surrounded himself with sycophants who know they will go down with the boss (as in THE DEATH OF STALIN). And hence they will protect him from any putsch by those who truly want Russia to get out of this mess. That and the human tendency to clutch disproved myths (like the West's impotent decadence and cowardice) even harder in the face of disproof. David Brin [Author and Physicist
Mark and Evan, Just wanted to send a big thank you for your excellent essay on "Shifting Gears" - been top of my mind as I'm shaping my next big area of work around some of these issues! I also love the Robert Frost quote (it's the quote I used in my High School Yearbook!) Sending love (in a world that needs it), Heidi Larson [Founding Director, The Vaccine Confidence Project
Mark and Berit, FYI, I sent a copy of your SNS statement to a very good friend, John Regni (see below). John is a retired and distinguished AF General who served as the Superintendent of the AF Academy in the later part of his active service. Bill [William C. Harris
Begin forwarded message: From: thejfrgroup Fascinating...thanks Bill
Bill, Thank you for sharing this. Onward together, Mark Anderson
Mark and Berit, This [on the assassination of Abe] is so critically informative!! Thank you, Berit!!! Best,
[Executive Director
* On July 19, Mark will be speaking on a panel at 4:40pm EST, at the OPAL Family Office Private Wealth Conference in Newport, RI, on the subject of "Investing in Artificial Intelligence: What Does the Future Hold for AI and Web 3.0?" * On September 22 at noon, he'll be keynoting the Info-Tech Research conference in Las Vegas, on the subject of "Making Major AI Discoveries Through Explainable AI."
In between times, he will be getting the mower back from the repair shop for the third time. Big grass year. Giant hay year.
Copyright 2022 Strategic News Service LLC "Strategic News Service," "SNS," "Future in Review," "FiRe," "INVNT/IP," and "SNS Project Inkwell" are all registered service marks of Strategic News Service LLC. ISSN 1093-8494
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